Friday, November 30, 2012
That awkward moment when you sort of feel like you belong, but at the same time you still have to work to through the steel door just so you can "be" one of them. This exclusivity makes me sad. We don't like it. I guess we're just luck we have each other.

I think I'm at the point where I just want to be left alone sometimes. As much as I love everyone, I just want to be alone sometimes. I wish I had more times to spend with people and have some time to myself. I guess I can experience this whole "vacation days" while I'm off.

Sometimes, I wish I was better off not knowing. I wish I wasn't in the middle and I wish everyone could just get along.

Respect isn't there.

Maybe this entire thing is a complete joke. It's a joke and no one is laughing.

I miss my creative outlets so much. I feel empty and sluggish without 'em. Going to need some serious flute time when finals are done.

I need to sleep. I have service marathon tomorrow. Then day 2 of service marathon and the DCM.

Some nights, I don't know anymore.
posted by Kat at 12:40 AM |