Monday, October 19, 2009
today marked 16 months with Aaron.
and I forgot :|
I...don't think he knows that I forgot, and I hope he doesn't know that I forgot...
Now I feel like the world's biggest hypocrite...

I woke up to ditching Sociology because I overslept, and decided to study for Anatomy for the remaining two hours before I went to go eat with Anya and Nigel. I'm a horrible student, but to be honest, I'm not learning in that class. I need to start reading to get an A. I have a D in the easiest class. This can't be good.

on the bright side, I got a 97% on my Anatomy Quiz because Dr. Bui is awesome and made it out of 35 instead of 40 questions. THANK YOU, DR. BUI. YOU'LL SEE ME AGAIN WHEN I TAKE YOUR PHYSIO CLASS.

Oh, and I finally up to date with 君に届け。 I love that manga. It's so cute. Almost reminds me of Furuba. Sort of. Anyway, late night studying.
Good bye for now.
posted by Kat at 10:57 PM |