I think the only reason why I don't want to upload these pictures because I become extremely nostalgic and sad. I miss how things used to be, but life moves on as we stay put. We need to keep moving forward if we want to catch up ( Neither do i have any idea what I just said there, nor do I know where I was going with that...)
...I'm also considering putting my pictures in my iPod just to store em. But then I realized how bad I treat my poor iPod.
I've been wanting to get a haircut for a while now... I'm not sure if I should keep the length or cut it short again. I also need to see if someone can take some of the weight off of my hair =O=... uugggh hair cuts. I need a haircut.
I got $2O from selling my $75 psych book. You have no idea how pissed off I am.
August is here and today is Markie's birthday. For the many years we've been cousins, we've always told each other "Hey! We're the same age today!". Markie and I are 1O months apart. I would look through pictures when we're toddlers, and we look about the same age and height (at the time... he's so much taller now. And darker!). Markie is 18 now. Happy Birthday, Mark! Now go and buy yourself porn, cigarettes and a lotto ticket. I know you wanna.
The insition on my neck is closing, so that means the draining from my cyst is done (I think). I don't feel a cyst anymore, but I have to wait until the cut is fully healed. It'll scar, but I don't mind. The more reason for people to freak out when they see my neck :) ! OH! AND THIS MEANS I DON'T HAVE TO GET SURGERY! I'm so happy! No need for visits in the hopsital because they had to cut my neck open! :) tee hee.
I don't have much to report these days... hm. :| One of these days, I'll figure it out, somehow.