At least I'm not scared to go to sleep this time. I just hate the dream where I take him back. Possibly because that is the last thing I would like to do and he is probably the last person I would like to see right now. Wow, I am really hurt over this now that I think about it. I am caring about this more than I really should be. It's kind of ridiculous, but I guess I have every right to feel this way? I don't know, it's going to be a month since the incident. Did I make the right choice in exchanging Masquerade Ball with FTC? Then again, I won't be on their campus now will I? I feel mean having a certain hate bias towards UCSD only because he goes there, but what can I do? My mind changed about them when I met some people from CKI south, but yeah.
My parents keep asking what I want. I told them external hard drive, but in all honesty, I just want to feel better.